Movie Exhibition in the Future

Originally published Nov. 30, 2010

LOS ANGELES – A seismic revolution is taking place in Hollywood. Movie fans everywhere will have more options than ever before in getting their entertainment directly from studios, threatening the established movie theater business and vastly changing the landscape of movie exhibition.

Home Theater, Photo courtesy of gsloan

The technological innovations in personal computers and home theater systems are forcing Hollywood moguls and executives to question their longstanding business model. Motion picture studios are now looking beyond traditional cinema theaters and making a major commitment to offer their latest productions on video-on-demand (VOD), as well as Web and Internet television, all in an effort to further push their product like never before and expand their audience.

“It’s a hot button issue,” said Lontih Khatami, in the Cinema Technology, Feature Film Post Production Department at Universal Studios. “It’s a sensitive issue among the studios right now because of all the interested parties that are involved.” (more…)

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Jon Stewart’s Rally and Relevance

Originally posted Nov. 7, 2010

The Daily Show’s “Rally to Restore Sanity and/or Fear” event in Washington D.C. this Saturday is expected to attract over 70,000 people, illustrating how influential – intended or not – comedian and satirist Jon Stewart has become in the landscape of American politics.

President Obama and John Stewart, Photo courtesy of N.Y. Times

The high projected numbers for Stewart’s rally, that will also include comedic co-host Stephen Colbert, could be seen as evidence of how frustrated many Americans feel about the current extreme divisive state of political discourse in the country. More likely though, it is a barometer of Stewart’s popularity.

His ability to connect with a large audience has turned his “rally for people who’ve been too busy to go to rallies” into a worldwide event. Despite the fact that people seem to be unclear about what exactly the rally would provide, they want to participate. On Facebook, more than 290,000 have signed up as potential attendees. Satellite events around the country in more than 25 states, in cities like Wasila, Denver, and Atlanta have been quickly organized in order to be involved. And even places around the world, including Paris, Denmark, and a “base camp” at Mt. Everest in Nepal will join the main gathering at the National Mall. (more…)

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Interview with L.A. Councilman Tom LaBonge

Originally published Oct. 3, 2010

L.A. Councilman Tom LaBonge shared some of his thoughts Thursday during a brief interview at his City Hall office before rushing off to Windsor Square to help celebrate the reopening of Robert Burns Park. He’s been in charge of Council District Four, the geographic heart of Los Angeles, since September 2001 and has his eye on re-election in March next year. While making phone calls and directing his staff, Councilman LaBonge talked about his love of parks, the food truck debate, and offered some possible goals if elected for a third term.

Councilman Tom LaBonge, Photo by Kiki Maraschino

Q: What are you most excited about these days with re-election coming up in March?

A: To serve the people and to make the city better. To move the motivation of the city which is transforming.


Q: Any specific issues or projects you’re excited about?

A: More expansion of Cahuenga Peak. That’s a big one.



Q: What about the Red Line project you recently wrote about for the Daily News?

A: Right. That’s real important but that’s more long range. (more…)

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